By Haitioanbeatz
Despite a petition being distributed to prevent Sweet Micky from. Participating at the annual West Indian American Day Parade, despite many demonstrations being held outside the carnival committee 's office in Brooklyn. The final official list that include all the Haitian bands that will be participating, Sweet Micky is official part of that final list of all the bands that will make their way down Eastern Parkway on Sept 2nd, according to one of the spoke person from the Haitian task force, Edwig Timmer?; " I've just being told by the committee that Sweet Micky is included in the final list. "In protest of that decision, The Haitian task force is pulling out of the committee" continued Edwig Timmer and they will be holding a press conference soon.
This news was also confirmed by HMI promoter "Glases" who is in charge of the float '"this was confirmed since last week" .he told Haitianbeatz.
Sweet Micky is also scheduled to perfor live at Laboom nightclub on Friday the 30th along side Tvice and Ekip.
Additional Haitian bands that are included to Edwig Timmer are: Roody Roodboy, Barikad Crew, Rockfam, and Tonymix, Sweet Micky will be the only Compas band on the parkway according to the final list. The deadline to apply was today.
This is a developing story, stay tuned for more detail.
Update: 10:53pm: According to a credible source, Haitianbeatz has learned, at the present moment, the Haitian elected official delegation in New York has contacted the NYPD commisioner and asked the NYPD to intervene in preventing Sweet Micky from participating in the festiviyies. There is an emergency meeting happening right now.
Stay tuned for the latest.
I report, you decide